Life Insurance

Life Insurance is different from other insurance in the sense that the subject matter of insurance is life of human being. The insurer will pay the fixed amount of insurance at the death or at the expiry of certain period. At present, life insurance enjoys maximum scope because each and every person requires the insurance. This insurance provides protection to the family at the premature death or gives adequate amount at the old age when earning capacities are reduced. Types of insurance plans offered in our country:


In case of Term assurance plans, insurance company promises the insured for a nominal premium to pay the face value mentioned in the policy in case he is no longer alive during the term of the policy.

Term assurance policy has the following features:


It provides a risk cover only for a prescribed period. Usually these policies are short-term plans and the term ranges from one year onwards. If the policyholder survives till the end of this period, the risk cover lapses and no insurance benefit payment is made to him. The amount of premium to be paid for these policies is lower than all other life insurance policies. As savings and reserves are not accumulated under this policy, it has no surrender value and loan or paid-up values are not allowed on these policies. This plan is most suitable for those who are initially unable to pay high Premium When income is low as required for Whole Life or Endowment policies, but requires life cover for a high amount.



This policy runs for the whole life of the assured. The sum assured becomes payable to the legal heir only after the death of the assured. The whole life policy can be of three types. Ordinary whole life policy – In this case premium is payable periodically throughout the life of the assured. Limited payment whole life policy – In this case premium is payable for a specified period (Say 20 Years or 25 Years) Only. Single Premium whole life policy – In this type of policy the entire premium is payable in one single payment.



In this policy the insurer agrees to pay the assured or his nominees a specified sum of money on his death or on the maturity of the policy which ever is earlier. The premium for endowment policy is comparatively higher than that of the whole life policy. The premium is payable till the maturity of the policy or until the death of the assured which ever is earlier. It provides protection to the family against the untimely death of the assured.



An individual is subject to uncertainty regarding his health. He may suffer from ailments, diseases, disability caused by stroke or accident, etc. For serious cases the person may have to be hospitalized and intensive medical care has to be provided which can be very expensive. It is here that medical insurance is helpful in reducing the financial burden. These days the vulnerability to lifestyle diseases such as heart, cancer, neurotic, and pollution based, etc are on the increase. So it makes sense for an individual to go for medical insurance cover.



This policy is taken on the lives of two or more persons simultaneously. Under this policy the sum assured becomes payable on the death of any one of those who have taken the joint life policy. The sum assured will be paid to the survivor(s). For example, a joint life policy may be taken on the lives of husband and wife, sum assured will be payable to the survivor on the death of the spouse.



Under with profit policy the assured is paid, in addition to the sum assured, a share in the profits of the insurer in the form of bonus. Without profit policy is a policy under which the assured does not get any share in the profits earned by the insurer and gets only the sum assured on the maturity of the policy. With profit and without profit policies are also known as participating and non –participating policies respectively.



This policy provides that if the insured person dies of any accident, his beneficiaries will get double the amount of the sum assured.



Under this policy, the sum assured is payable not in one lump sum payment but in monthly, quarterly and half-yearly or yearly installments after the assured attains a certain age. This policy is useful to those who want to have a regular income after the expiry of a certain period e.g. after retirement. Annuity is paid so long as the assured survives. In annuity policy medical checkup is not required. Annuity is paid so long as the assured survives.



Women, now a days are free to take life assurance policies. However, some specially designed policies suit their needs in a unique manner; the synopsis of some these policies are as follows:


Jeevan Sathi is also known a Life Partner plan where the husband and wife are covered under this endowment policy, which gives the following benefits. On maturity, provided both are alive, full sum assured with bonus is paid. On the death of one of the assured during the period of the policy, basic sum assured is paid to the surviving partner, who is not required to pay any further premiums. The surviving partner remains covered for the full sum assured. If she/he dies, then the sum assured is paid to the nominee, but this is before the maturity date. The surviving partner will be paid sum assured with bonuses if he survives till the maturity date. Hence this policy gives a comprehensive family protection. Jeevan Sukanya is highlighted by the following points. Only female child aged between 1 to 12 years is covered in this plan. band is automatically covered under the policy after marriage. Risk of the child starts either after 2 years of taking the policy or not before the age of 7, whichever is early. Premium paying period is 20 years minus age at entry. On surviving the age of 20, the life assured receives the sum assured as survival benefit and the policy continues to cover the life assured till maturity date when vested bonus will be paid only. If life assured dies before maturity, sum assured with bonuses will be paid.



Group life insurance is a plan of insurance under which the lives of many persons are covered under one life insurance policy. However, the insurance on each life is independent of that on the other lives. Usually, in group insurance, the employer secures a group policy for the benefit of his employees. Insurer provides coverage for many people under single contract.



Policies for children are meant for the various needs of the children such as education, marriage, security of life etc. Some of the major children policies are: Children’s deferred assurances, Marriage endowment and educational annuity plans, Children endowment policy.



In this case policy money is paid to the insured in a number of separate cash payments. Insurer gives periodic payments of survival benefit at fixed intervals during the term of policy as long as the policyholder is alive.

Health Insurance

Health insurance secures your finances during a medical emergency or planned hospitalisation by covering for your hospital costs and other expenses as mentioned in your policy document. With advancement in medical technologies and treatments the cost of healthcare is also rising with every single day. Having a health insurance plan can take care of such expenses helping one immensely safeguard finances without worrying about the impending medical bills. A comprehensive health insurance plan provides a wide range of coverage like cashless hospitalisation, OPD expenses, daily cash, diagnostic costs and more. It gives coverage to an individual or family members included in the plan up to the sum insured.
At HDFC ERGO we have been dedicated in making your lives easier with our products and have relaunched our my:Optima Secure extending our coverage worldwide with 2 Unique Services: Early discharge and Cashless approval for chronic diseases for seamless claim experience. A health insurance plan also helps in tax savings under Section 80 D of ITA.

Benefits of Health Insurance Policy by HDFC ERGO 

Key FeaturesBenefits
Cashless Hospital Network13000+ˇ across India
Tax SavingsUpto ₹ 1 lac****
Renewal BenefitFree Health Check-up within 60 Days of Renewal
Claim Settlement Rate1 Claim/Minute*
Claim ApprovalWithin 38*~ Minutes
CoverageHospitalization Expenses, Day Care Treatments, Home Treatments, AYUSH Treatment, Organ Donor Expenses
Pre & Post HospitalizationCovers Expenses upto 60 days of admission & 180 days post discharge

Mutual Fund

Types of Mutual Funds:

Mutual Fund schemes can be classified into different categories and subcategories based on their investment objectives or their maturity periods.

A) Classification based on maturity period:

Mutual Fund schemes can be classified into three categories based on their maturity periods.

Open-ended schemes

These are mutual fund schemes which offer units for purchase and redemption subscription on a continuous basis. In other words, the units of these schemes can be purchased or redeemed at any point of time at Net Asset Value (NAV) based prices. Also, these schemes do not have a fixed maturity period and an investor can redeem his units anytime.

Close-ended schemes

These are mutual fund schemes which have a defined maturity period e.g. 1 year / 5 years etc. The units of close ended scheme can be bought only during a specified period at the time of initial launch. SEBI stipulates that all close-ended schemes should provide for a liquidity window to its investors. These schemes are either required to be listed on a recognized stock exchange or provide periodic repurchase facility to investors.

Interval schemes

These schemes are a cross between an open-ended and a close-ended structure. These schemes are open for both purchase and redemption during pre-specified intervals (viz. monthly, quarterly, annually etc.) at the prevailing NAV based prices. Interval funds are very similar to close-ended funds, but differ on the following points.

Classification based on investment objective

Apart from the above classification, mutual fund schemes can also be classified based on their investment objectives.

Equity Oriented Schemes

Growth/ Equity oriented schemes are those schemes which predominantly invest in equity and equity related instruments. The objective of such schemes is to provide capital appreciation over the medium to long term. These types of schemes are generally meant for investors with a long-term outlook and with a higher risk appetite.

Debt Oriented schemes

The main objective of debt-oriented funds is to provide regular and steady income to investors. These schemes mainly invest in fixed income securities such as Bonds, Money Market Instruments, Corporate Debentures, Government Securities (Gilts) etc. Debt-oriented schemes are suitable for investors whose main objective is safety of capital along with modest growth. These funds are not affected because of fluctuations in equity markets. However, the NAV of such funds is affected because of change in the interest rate in the country.

Balanced Fund

Balanced Funds provide the best of both worlds i.e. equity and debt. The aim of the balanced funds is to provide both capital appreciation and stability of income in the long run. The proportion of investment made into equities and fixed income securities is pre-defined and mentioned in the offer document of the scheme. This type of scheme is a good alternative for pure equity-oriented products and provides an effective asset allocation tool. These schemes are suitable for investors looking for moderate growth. NAVs of such funds are generally less volatile in nature compared to pure equity funds.

Gilt Funds

These Funds invest exclusively in the dated securities issued by the government. These funds carry a very minimal risk because they are free of any default or credit risk. However, they do carry an interest rate risk as is the case with other debt products.

Money Market / Liquid Funds

These are predominantly debt-oriented schemes, whose main objective is preservation of capital, easy liquidity and moderate income. To achieve this objective, liquid funds invest predominantly in safer short-term instruments like Commercial Papers, Certificate of Deposits, Treasury Bills, G-Secs etc..

These schemes are used mainly by institutions and individuals to park their surplus funds for short periods of time. These funds are more or less insulated from changes in the interest rate in the economy and capture the current yields prevailing in the market.

Fund of Funds

Fund of Funds (FoF) as the name suggests are schemes which invest in other mutual fund schemes. The concept is popular in markets where there are number of mutual fund offerings and choosing a suitable scheme according to one’s objective is tough. Just as a mutual fund scheme invests in a portfolio of securities such as equity, debt etc, the underlying investments for a FoF is the units of other mutual fund schemes, either from the same fund family or from other fund houses.

New Product categories

Capital Protection Oriented schemes : The term ‘capital protection oriented scheme’ means a mutual fund scheme which is designated as such and which endeavours to protect the capital invested therein through suitable orientation of its portfolio structure. The orientation towards protection of capital originates from the portfolio structure of the scheme and not from any bank guarantee, insurance cover etc. SEBI stipulations require these type of schemes to be close-ended in nature, listed on the stock exchange and the intended portfolio structure would have to be mandatory rated by a credit rating agency. A typical portfolio structure could be to set aside major portion of the assets for capital safety and could be invested in highly rated debt instruments. The remaining portion would be invested in equity or equity related instruments to provide capital appreciation. Capital Protection Oriented schemes are a recent entrant in the Indian capital markets and should not be confused with ‘capital guaranteed’ schemes.

Gold Funds

The objective of these funds is to track the performance of Gold. The units represent the value of gold or gold related instruments held in the scheme. Gold Funds which are generally in the form of an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) are listed on the stock exchange and offers investors an opportunity to participate in the bullion market without having to take physical delivery of gold.

Quantitative Funds

A quantitative fund is an investment fund that selects securities based on quantitative analysis. The managers of such funds build computer based models to determine whether or not an investment is attractive. In a pure “quant shop” the final decision to buy or sell is made by the model. However, there is a middle ground where the fund manager will use human judgment in addition to a quantitative model. The first Quant based Mutual Fund Scheme in India, Lotus Agile Fund opened for subscription on October 25, 2007.

Funds Investing Abroad

With the opening up of the Indian economy, Mutual Funds have been permitted to invest in foreign securities/ American Depository Receipts (ADRs) / Global Depository Receipts (GDRs). Some of such schemes are dedicated funds for investment abroad while others invest partly in foreign securities and partly in domestic securities. While most such schemes invest in securities across the world there are also schemes which are country specific in their investment approach.

Real Estate Mutual Funds

Real Estate Mutual Funds or realty funds as they are popularly known are the latest addition to the mutual fund offerings in India. SEBI recently paved way for the launch of such products, by making amendments to its existing Regulations. However, real estate mutual funds are yet to be introduced in India by any asset management company. These schemes invest in real estate properties and earn income in the form of rentals, capital appreciation from developed properties. Also some part of the fund corpus is invested in equity shares or debentures of companies engaged in real estate assets or developing real estate development projects. REMFs are required to be close-ended in nature and listed on a stock exchange.

In addition to the above broad classification, mutual fund schemes can be further classified into sub-categories. Each of the sub-categories has a stated objective and caters to specific requirements of investors.

Investment options available to investors

Growth Option

Under growth option, dividends are not paid out to the unit holders. Income attributable to the Unit holders continues to remain invested in the Scheme and is reflected in the NAV of units under this option. Investors can realize capital appreciation by way of an increase in NAV of their units by redeeming them.

Dividend Payout Option

Dividends are paid out to the unit holders under this option. However, the NAV of the units falls to the extent of the dividend paid out and applicable statutory levies.

Dividend Re-investment Option

The dividend that accrues on units under option is re-invested back into the scheme at ex-dividend NAV. Hence investors receive additional units on their investments in lieu of dividends.

General Insurance

Choosing the right general insurance policy where you will invest your money on can be very tiring and stressful with all the amazing options that are available in the market. Fortunately, there is one thing that you may do in order to make your search easier and more productive.


Health Insurance

  • Protect your greatest asset good health.
  • Individual and Group- Ordinary and Floater health Insurance Policy.
  • Avail cash-free hospitalization across more than 1400 hospitals in India.
  • Expenses incurred during pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization stages of treatment.
  • The UNIQUE day care procedure includes 130 minor surgeries that require less than 24 hours of hospitalization.
  • Reimbursement of expenses incurred on ambulance services to the nearest hospital where Emergency Health facilities are available.

Motor Insurance

  • Protection from a financial loss arising out of loss or damage to your vehicle.
  • Protection from liability towards third parties for personal injury.
  • Protection death and property damage on account of any accident involving your vehicle.
  • Cash Less and Hassle free Claim procedure.

Personal Accident

An accident can happen at any time. And it could leave you with permanent harm or temporary disability, both of which could affect your life and your family.Apart from cover for life and injury, insurance offers other unique and unmatched features.

  •     Weekly benefit
  •     Medical Reimbursement
  •     Education Benefit
  •     Modification of residential accommodation and own vehicle
  •     Ambulance hiring charges

Shop Insurance

As a shop owner, you constantly worry about the hazards your shop and the contents within are exposed to. A sudden crisis at your place – a theft, an employees infidelity, a fire accident, breakage of neon & Glow sign, Money in transit, counter or safe. That is why you need a protective cover like the one Shop Package Insurance offers. Taking care of your business is our business. And we do it well.


Fire and Special Perils

People who own property should go for fire insurance policies. The ones holding properties in trusts or in commission, individuals/financial institutions who have some kind of financial interest in the property also need to go for this policy. Commodities like plant and machinery, furniture, fixtures, fittings, stocks and all other movable and immovable property situated on the particular premises including stocks at suppliers or customers premises, machinery which has been temporarily removed from the premises for repairing purposes come under this insurance umbrella.

Loan Against Mutual Funds

Don’t Redeem it, Lien it Instead

Get instant funds with Loan Against Mutual Funds (LAMF) at an interest rate of just 10.5% p.a. to manage unplanned expenses without liquidating your investments. Secure funds in just 15 minutes through 100% digital process. Experience hassle-free process with digital Loan Against Mutual Funds.

  • Instant LAMF limit within minutes
  • 10.5% p.a. Interest (on utilized amount)
  • 100% Digital
  • Large list of
    approved mutual funds

What is Loan Against Mutual Funds?

Loan Against Mutual Funds (LAMF) is a financial solution that allows you to borrow against mutual fund units. With Mirae Asset Financial Services, you can digitally lien mark your mutual funds and get the financial assistance you need.

The loan is available as an overdraft facility, allowing you to access the funds anytime you need and repay them at any time without additional charges. Interest is charged only on the utilized amount and for the duration, the amount is utilized.

You can choose from a variety of approved mutual funds from various asset management companies (AMCs) in India and use them as collateral. You can lien mark mutual funds as collateral with CAMS and KFintech (previously known as KARVY), Registrars & Transfer Agents (RTAs). We suggest using a secured loan against mutual funds as a suitable option for short or medium-term financial needs.



National Pension Scheme (NPS)

NPS full form stands for National Pension Scheme. NPS is an initiative undertaken by the Government of India with the aim of providing retirement benefits to all the citizens of India. NPS seeks to inculcate the habit of saving for retirement amongst the citizens. 

Here, we will cover the objectives of NPS, types of NPS accounts, interest rates and benefits. Before that, let us first understand the National Pension Scheme in brief.

What is National Pension Scheme

Regulated and administered by the PFRDA or Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority under the PFRDA Act 2013, NPS is a defined, voluntary contribution scheme that is market-linked and managed by professional fund managers.

Under NPS, individual savings are pooled into a pension fund which is invested by PFRDA-regulated professional fund managers into diversified portfolios comprising Government Bonds, Bills, Corporate Debentures, and Shares.

Contributions made by individual subscribers to the National Pensions Scheme under the system are accumulated until retirement, and corpus growth continues via market-linked returns. Subscribers also have the option to exit this plan before retirement or opt for superannuation. However, this scheme ensures that a part of savings is utilized to provide a subscriber with retirement benefits.

Thus, on retirement, exit or superannuation, at least 40% of the contribution is utilized for the procurement of a lifetime pension via the purchase of an annuity. The remaining funds are paid to the subscriber in a lump sum.

Objectives of National Pension System

Now that you know what is NPS scheme, let’s understand its objectives-

  • A substantial corpus creation for one’s retirement phase is an essential aspect to take care of during financial planning.
  • It not only allows individuals to fulfil their expenditure requirements but also allows them to sail through their post-retirement life with the least hassles.
  • To address this concern of the growing senior citizen demography in the country, the Indian Government thus introduced schemes like the National Pension System or NPS.
  • The scheme allows for systemised savings during one’s working years, thus inculcating a financial discipline among individuals to save for the future.

Features of National Pension Scheme

Following are the key features of National Pension Scheme-

  • Liquidity and Flexibility via Two Different Account Types

The National Pension System allows individuals to make systematic investments via either of the following two accounts.

NPS account opening is followed by the generation of a unique Permanent Retirement Account Number or PRAN issued to each subscriber. Fund management, including contribution to this scheme, is done via PRAN.

  • Tier-I account: It functions as a pension account, and withdrawals from it are subject to specific restrictions. An individual can open this account with a minimum deposit of Rs. 500.
  • Tier-II account: They are voluntary accounts providing liquidity of funds via investments and withdrawals.

    The minimum deposit one needs to make for a Tier II account is Rs. 250. However, investments in Tier-II accounts are allowed only when an active Tier I account in the subscriber’s name exists.

Thus, as per the National Pension System architecture, individuals can subscribe to the National Pensions Scheme with PFRDA-appointed intermediaries via the two accounts mentioned above.

These intermediaries can include – 

  • Trustee banks
  • Custodians
  • CRA or Central Recordkeeping Agency
  • NPS trust
  • PoP or Points of Presence
  • Annuity Service Providers.

Flexibility of Investment via Two Different Options

Subscribers can opt for either of the following two investment options, thus providing the flexibility of choice.

  • Auto Choice

It is available as a default option for subscribers as per the system. Fund investments under this option are managed automatically by an appointed fund manager as per an investor’s age profile.

  • Active Choice

Under this option, individuals are free to decide among available asset classes in which to invest their funds. Also, they can allocate different percentages of contributed funds to be invested in with a maximum cap of 50% for Asset Class E or Equities. Other Asset Classes include Class C, i.e., Corporate Debt Securities and Class G or Government Securities.

Alongside, subscribers also have an option to switch their investment options as well as change their fund manager. These options are, however, subject to certain constraints.

  • Option to Make a Partial Withdrawal

Another of NPS scheme benefits includes an option to withdraw their contributions partially. It gives individuals partial accessibility to their funds saved over the years, thus allowing them to meet financial needs before retirement during emergencies.

As per the rules regarding partial withdrawal, a subscriber can make withdrawals of their Tier I scheme contribution up to a maximum NPS Contribution limit of 25%.

Withdrawals are, however, subject to the following clauses.

  • Contributions up to a minimum of 10 years must be made for the partial withdrawal facility to apply.
  • Also, there should be a minimum gap of 5 years between two consecutive withdrawals.

Eligibility Criteria for National Pension Scheme 

An individual’s eligibility for the National Pension System depends on the various NPS models in operation. These are – 

  • Government Sector National Pension System Model

The pension system is applicable for government employees, both central and state, except for those employed with the armed forces.

Under this model, a contribution of 10% of a government employee’s salary goes to the National Pension System with an equal contribution by the government. Central Government employees receive a contribution of 14% from the government. 

Also, all states in the country have implemented the NPS National Pension System, excluding the Government of West Bengal.

  • The Corporate Model of the National Pension System

As per the corporate model, corporate employees enrolled by their employers can utilize the NPS benefits of the pension system. To do so, they must be Indian citizens between the age of 18 and 60 years, fulfilling the KYC requirements.

The model is applicable for entities as under.

  • Registered as per the Companies Act.
  • Registered under different Co-Operative Acts.
  • Identified as Central or Public Sector Enterprises.
  • Identified as a proprietary concern.
  • Registered as partnership firms or LLPs.
  • Incorporated vide order from a State or Central Government.
  • Identified as a society or a trust.
  • All Citizens Model of NPS

All citizens of India meeting the following eligibility criteria can voluntarily opt for enrolment and contribute to the NPS pension scheme towards their retirement security.

  • He/she should be between 18 and 60 years of age on the date when applying with a PoP service provider.
  • He/she should fulfil the KYC requirements as required in the Subscriber Registration Form and submit all necessary documents.

Group Insurance

Protect your team with our comprehensive Group Insurance Policy, designed to offer financial security to your employees and their families. Group insurance policies provide coverage for life, health, accident, and more, ensuring peace of mind for your workforce.

Why Choose Group Insurance?

  • Affordable Premiums: Lower premiums compared to individual policies, making it cost-effective for both employers and employees.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Includes life insurance, health insurance, accidental coverage, and critical illness benefits.
  • Employee Benefits: Enhance employee satisfaction and retention by providing added security.
  • Tax Benefits: Employers can avail of tax benefits under the Income Tax Act.

Why Choose Us?

  • Customized Solutions: Tailor-made plans to meet the unique needs of your organization.
  • Expert Support: Dedicated support team to assist with claims and policy management.
  • Easy Enrolment: Hassle-free enrolment process with minimal paperwork.

Secure your employees’ future and boost their morale with our Group Insurance Policy. Get in touch with us today to learn more!